Call for volunteers to survey the nation’s churches for bats this summer!
Bats in Churches is appealing for volunteers to come forward and help search for evidence of bats in their local church this summer. Here’s why we need your help – and some of the surprising and exciting results we’ve discovered so far.
Rare bat discovered by our survey volunteers
A rare grey long-eared bat has been discovered at a church in Devon, much to the excitement of Bats in Churches volunteers and partners. So why is this such an important find?
Re-opening guidance for churches post-lockdown
There are a lot of new rules and regulations on keeping your church building safe while re-opening it during the coronavirus pandemic. Here’s some advice and tips that might help, from cleaning guidance to preparing for social distancing.
Bats in the Belfry
Bats in Churches training and survey officer Claire Boothby introduces the project, its aims, the challenges, and shares some of the questions we’re hoping to answer.
Volunteers nominated for Natural England award
Meet the expert Volunteer Bat Roost Visitors from Essex Bat Group who are in line for an award from Natural England.
Bats in Churches project takes off!
The Bats in Churches project is now officially underway with the new team on board and committed to seeing the project through over the next five years. The end of last year saw solutions successfully developed for the three pilot churches, and the National Lottery Heritage Fund confirm a grant of £3.8 million, securing the…