Bats In Churches Challenge Badge

Challenge yourself and be a Bats In Churches Champion!
If you'd like to be part of Bats In Churches with your Scouting or Guiding Group, Woodcraft Folk, Sunday School, School, Nursery or just with friends and families you can take part in our Bats In Churches Challenge Badge.
You can pick from a whole range of different games, crafts, outdoor fun and activities. The badge will get you exploring your local church, hunting for bats and cooking up a storm in the kitchen.
You can download all the activities here, keep track on your record sheet, then let us know once you're all done and we will send you a woven badge for your uniform, or just to keep!
The Bats in Churches Project finishes at the at the end of November 2023 but our partner Bat Conservation Trust are continuing to run the Challenge Badge. To order badges please see their website. To help us with costs we ask that you provide £1 per badge plus £1 postage.