Cleaning help is at hand for churches and volunteers
Caring for a church with (or without) bats that could do with a good clean? Roll up those sleeves and get stuck in with our new FREE training and resources full of cleaning guidelines, tips and advice from our heritage advisor.

For churches with bats, cleaning up after their nocturnal residents is vital. Not only do bat droppings and urine look unsightly, but they can cause damage to surfaces, textiles, monuments and other items within the church, as well as to the fabric and interior of the church itself.
These historic buildings need specialist care, which is why Bats in Churches heritage team, along with partners the Churches Conservation Trust, have put together a FREE downloadable booklet full of cleaning guidelines, tips and advice specifically aimed at churches with bats.
The booklet covers specialist cleaning of materials commonly found inside churches including wood and timber, metals, textiles, books, stained glass, stone and ceramics. It also contains a cleaning log template, along with an individual object condition template and a suggested cleaning calendar.