Wiltshire church ready to welcome On A Wing And A Prayer in the New Year
Our unique multimedia art installation On A Wing And A Prayer is set to take pride of place at St Sampson’s Church in Cricklade, Wiltshire for a special Bat Weekend on Jan 14-15. Jane Eyles, parish administrator, explains why the church community is excited to welcome the artwork for a weekend.

BBC Songs of Praise goes batty for Radstone church
Our project church of St Lawrence in Radstone recently featured in an episode of BBC Songs of Praise entitled All Creatures Great and Small. Find out what’s so special about this church and its bats, and why the Songs of Praise team got involved, plus, how you can watch the episode in full.

Rare bat discovered by National Bats in Churches Survey volunteers in Somerset church
Volunteers for the National Bats in Churches Survey have discovered one of the rarest mammals in Britain, the grey long-eared bat, in a church in Somerset. This is only the second record of grey long-eared bat the survey has uncovered and is fantastic news for this endangered species.

Notes from a season with Bats in Churches
Bat Conservation Trust volunteer engagement officer Michelle Parsons spent the summer on secondment with Bats in Churches and discovered a passion for our citizen science project, the National Bats in Churches Survey. Here, she explains how she got hooked on scouring pews for bat droppings….

Cleaning help is at hand for churches and volunteers
Caring for a church with (or without) bats that could do with a good clean? Roll up those sleeves and get stuck in with our new FREE training and resources full of cleaning guidelines, tips and advice from our heritage advisor.

Survey season is over for a final year – here’s what will happen next
That’s a wrap! The National Bats in Churches Survey is over for its fourth and final year and with the help of our incredible volunteers, we’ve managed to smash our targets and gather vital data about how and why bats are using churches.

Greater Horseshoe excitement in Cornwall
Bats in Churches engagement officer Honor Gay joins the Cornwall Bat Group and makes an exciting discovery in an outbuilding of a Cornish church.

Challenge yourself with Bats in Churches
Introducing the Bats in Churches Challenge Badge, the perfect way for children, young people and families to get involved with Bats in Churches.

Feeling creative? Learn to draw a bat with our free tutorial
Celebrate the creativity that bats inspire and brush up on your batty knowledge with this step-by-step draw-along with professional illustrator Maisy Inston.

On A Wing And A Prayer: The Bats in Churches Art Installation
To celebrate the long-standing relationship between bats and churches, we’ve commissioned Bats in Churches volunteer and professional artist Ilene Sterns to create a unique installation entitled On A Wing And A Prayer. Here, Ilene explains her inspiration and motivation behind the work, and gives us a sneak peak of what she’s created so far….