Bats in Churches Study Training (module 6)
You're survey ready!
Test your knowledge with this short, fun quiz.
Come back after your survey for help with entering records online and next steps!
Module 6: After your survey
This short video walks through how to enter records in the survey portal. Remember-even if you didn't find evidence of bats, we still really want that record.
Next steps
If you enjoyed the surveys you're of course welcome to survey more churches for the study.
If you did find a bat roost you might be interested in recording it on an on-going basis. There's a fantastic survey for this called the National Bat Monitoring Programme's Roost Count. See what's involved here:
When you have submitted your records, if you want to continue to monitor the church roost for NBMPs Roost Count, you can easily join by going onto your My Churches page and selecting the Create Roost Count button.